Dept of critical care comprises 11 beds. It also oversees the functioning of Department of emergency medicine and also offers its expertise to other ICS of the hospital including SICU, CCU and CTICU as and when required
It is headed by Dr. Vaidyanthan R and ably assisted by a team of qualified and experienced doctors along with trained ICU nurses respiratory therapists, physiotherapists and pharmacists.
Considered among the leading hospitals in Mysore in providing high end critical care and emergency services 24/7, the unit offers holistic solution to patients with multi organ failure, sepsis, brain trauma, polytrauma or organ failures involving liver, kidney ,lung or cardiac ailments.The unit is equipped with all advanced medical equipment’s including advanced ventilators non-invasive ventilators, dedicated dialysis machine, bronchoscope unit, dedicated ultrasound machine and ISBPIt's also among the very few units in Mysore which conducts regular clinical audit and is fully compliant with all NABH protocols.The unit is recognized by college of critical care medicine, Mumbai to import postdoctoral fellowship training in critical care medicine.The dept is also recognized by National Board of examinations, New Delhi to train postgraduate students in Dept of Anaesthesiology.